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ciudad perdida santa marta colombia

Ciudad Perdida

Kayode Lewis
Kayode Lewis
Fantastic multiday hike. Loved the whole thing and one of the best experiences of visiting South America
Ryan Robson
Ryan Robson
Amazing trek!!! Would not recommend magic tours though as the guides are useless - Jose and Maron
Andres Felipe Solanó Murillo
Andres Felipe Solanó Murillo
Muy buena la experiencia
Joseph Mulkis
Joseph Mulkis
Very impressive, trek worth going on. Beautiful to be out in nature for the trek, and then the lost city itself is pretty cool. Slept each night in open air bunk beds by indigenous villages, with mosquito nets and a roof to keep out the rain (didn't actually rain during our trek). Electricity available thanks to solar panels, some wi-fi which you have to pay for (but not extortionate). Regular stores along the hike sell snacks and drinks, at surprisingly reasonable prices considered the isolated location. Not easily accessible so few tourists go (no road access at all, only a few indigenous villages around, only transport for them is by foot or on mule), very peaceful. One warning: A couple of us got food poisoning the last night, they suspect it's from the juice they gave us at the camps (maybe water used not perfect), so perhaps stick to bottled drinks. Other than that the food was great. Also, should know it's not at all an easy trek: - I did the 4-day version, and found it very hard going, hardest trek I've ever done (by way of comparison, I found it much harder than 4 days trekking in Peruvian Andes at 4000m, or climbing Acatenago volcano in Guatemala). - Think it was the heat (40° and very high humidity, little shade in first sections of the trek) that did for me, but should note that also had quite a lot of uphill sections. - But luckily had the option to pay for a mule to carry me for the harder parts, about a day and a half. Not ideal but otherwise I don't think I would have managed, I was already getting heat exhaustion.
Christopher Mullins
Christopher Mullins
The doubling of the price in January 2024 from roughly 1,100,000 COP to 2,150,000 has turned this from an accessible and worthwhile experience into a tourist trap and cash cow. Disappointing really as this will price lots of people out of doing the trek and may end up costing them revenue in the end. None of the many people I have met who have done it at the price point last year (or lower) have agreed it's worth what they're charging now...
ciudad perdida como reservar

¿Qué debo llevar en mi maleta para el tour Ciudad Perdida?

“Una increible experiencia con nuestro guía Pablo, la cocinera Maria y todo el equipo de la ruta…”


“Para mi fue todo un descubrimiento… recomendado el 100% ”


“No hay palabra para decribir la inmesidad y riqueza natural, no es solo la ciudad perdida, sino, toda la ruta y el equipo…”


ciudad perdida

Discover the true history of Ciudad Perdida with indigenous guides from the area

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